Ultimate Parent’s Guide To Study Abroad For Your Child’s Success

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That’s great! You’ve made one of the bravest decision in your life by helping your child study abroad. 

Are you ready to send your child to a foreign country? Your child will come to see you once in six months, is that fine for you? 

This parent’s guide to study abroad will put all your worries to rest. As a parent, you have taken responsibility for your child’s career and making his/her dream come true. 

Let’s keep emotions aside, learn how to prepare yourself for your child’s abroad education. Without any further ado, let’s get started. 


Find what your child needs 

It’s not about your dream anymore. Everything is about your child and his happiness. Take a day off and speak with your child. 

Discuss with them and understand why your child wants to go abroad. It may be a passion or a personal thing. Find out what it is and support as much as you can. 

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Know what they are getting into 

Once you know what your child wants, now it’s time to research and find what it is. You need to know details like course, university and country which your child is planning for. Ultimately, it’s your responsibility to know what your child is getting into. 


Help them get it

Now that you know where your child is planning to join, help your child to crack the code just like we are helping you with this parent’s guide to study abroad. 

With increasing competition, it’s not easy to get admission to a top university. You can help your child achieve it. 

Financial Preparation is a big thing

From application to admission, lots of money is needed. For that, prepare yourself financially. 

If you are gonna arrange money from close circle or relatives, make sure that you have Plan B. Getting education loan from a bank shouldn’t be a tough task.

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The Process

Getting Visa, admission procedure and there so many things in the study abroad process. Have a detailed plan in hand, so that you don’t get stuck anywhere in the process. Like I said before, Plan B for everything. 

Health and Safety

It’s good to consult your family doctor and make sure that your child is medically prepared for this adventure. 

Advice your child to take food on time because that’s something students don’t do when they are on an abroad mission.

Get in touch with your child often

We don’t need to guide you on this. You’ll make 100 calls the moment your child arrives in a foreign country. That’s fine. 

Keep in touch every day and ensure that your child is safe and healthy. If not, provide emotional support that your child needs. 

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To Conclude

The happiest moment is seeing your child grow fast and stand next to you with great accomplishments. Hope this parent’s guide to study abroad would have helped you. Support your child financially and emotionally, they will come out in flying colours.

Planet Education

Want your child to study i]n a top university and have a successful career? You are in the right place. Planet Education is one of the leading education consultancies with 25 years of extensive experience. We have so far placed 35,000 aspiring students like you. 

Have a consultation call with our experts and support your child’s future.