Get These High Paying Jobs While Studying Abroad

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First, let us answer the most asked question. Is it hard to get a job while studying abroad? No, it’s easy to get a job and it completely depends on the country and the university. For example, Australia allows you to work 20 hours per week. 

Now, this question would pop out. What kind of jobs can I get while studying abroad? The type of job depends on the skills you possess. And also, your Visa protocols decide the part-time job you’re gonna get. 

After placing 35,000 students worldwide, we found that you can do the following jobs listed below. Let’s get started.

1. On-Campus Jobs - Super Comfortable to do

If you don’t wanna do tough jobs that test your physical abilities, we would suggest you to go with On-campus jobs. Your skillset will be put under test for these kinds of jobs. 

There are a plethora of job opportunities available in On-campus. Few are listed below. 

  • Peer Tutor 

  • Library Monitor 

  • Campus Ambassador

  • Mail Room Attendant 

  • Research Assistant 

  • Admin Support 

  • Tech Support 

  • Barista (Beverage Customer Service)

And the list goes on. Keep in mind, your university and Visa department should agree and approve your part-time job. 

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2. Off-Campus Jobs - Easy to Get

Once you come out of your campus looking for a job, there is an ocean of jobs available. Not all are good. You need to be very careful while looking for off-campus jobs because it deals with your safety. Once again, your university and Visa protocol should allow you to work. 

Here is the list of options that can help you earn a good sum. This income will help you trade off your living expenses. If not, at least it takes care of your food expenses. 

  • Call Centres 

  • Malls 

  • Gas Stations 

  • Freelancing 

  • Paid Internships 

  • Store Jobs 

  • Restaurant and Bars

Off-campus jobs will help you mingle with their culture and socialize better. Spend a few hours a day, make new friends and enjoy your abroad adventure. 

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Some Pro Tips to get great Part-Time Jobs while studying abroad

1. Networking

Making new connections every day will surely help you get a great job. Join student organizations, clubs, parties to socialize with new people. They will recommend or let you know if there is a job that suits your skills.

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2. Search Online

Google is there to help you. Search for part-time jobs in your location and apply for them. If you know a company nearby, then find their website and apply for a job. 

Like we have Naukri, shine, indeed in India, there are a lot of job portals in all the countries. Make use of them. 

To Conclude

Getting a job after graduation may be a herculean task. You need not put draconian efforts to get jobs while studying abroad. All you need to do is just keep looking. You will surely get one. Always, consult your friends before taking up a job. 

If you get admission to a top university, then chances are high that you will get On-campus jobs. Planet Education can help you get placed in a top university. 

Get in touch with our team and kickstart your career like a pro.